Sponsorship Guidelines

ACC Chicago is pleased to present you with this opportunity to become a valued ACC Chicago Sponsor. Below we have compiled our guidelines and best practices for governing our relationship over the coming year. Please review the Program Guidelines prior to submitting an application. We look forward to building a mutually beneficial partnership with your organization.

Program Term

All programs, meetings or sponsor benefits must occur or be received during the Program Term, which runs from February 1, 2025 to January 31, 2026.

Application Deadline

All applications must be completed and submitted by December 1, 2024. Begin your application here.

Scheduling of Topics and Event Dates

We request sponsors submit possible program topics and desired dates in strict accordance with the instructions on the ACC Chicago 2025 Sponsorship Program Application.

The priority of scheduling topics and program dates is based on level of sponsorship. However, within a level of sponsorship, sponsors who submit applications earlier will have priority in choices of dates and topics.

In addition, unless an exception is approved by the ACC Chicago Programs Director(s), all programs should occur on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.

Premier Sponsors are encouraged to present their MCLE program both at a downtown location and a suburban location during the same week, and to plan for this during the program and date selection process.

Although we strive to recognize sponsor levels and help ensure consistency among levels, circumstances may sometimes require flexibility and exceptions.


Unfortunately, if despite reasonable efforts by ACC Chicago to schedule an event with a sponsor, a sponsor does not schedule its event during the Program Term, the Sponsor will forfeit its opportunity to sponsor the event and its sponsorship fee.

Marketing of Events

ACC Chicago is subject to the privacy policy of the Association of Corporate Counsel, which limits the Chapter’s ability to share member information with third parties. We ask for our sponsors’ assistance in adhering to this commitment.

Contact Information

In addition, in the event a sponsor obtains an ACC Chicago member’s information (unless voluntarily provided directly to sponsor for purposes other than participation in the sponsor’s event), the sponsor is strictly prohibited from using such information for any purpose other than in connection with approved invitations to ACC Chicago’s membership for the sponsor’s program event or nominal raffle prizes for event participants.

ACC Brand

ACC Chicago has worked to develop event invitation brand recognition among its members. All invitations to members and all event registrations by members are developed and presented through ACC Chicago using ACC Chicago template forms and processes, unless an exception is approved by the ACC Chicago Programs Director(s).

Invitations to events will prominently recognize the sponsor and will include the sponsor’s logo, if available.


In connection with all events listed above (except the Annual In-House Counsel Celebration Event, the PR Credit Half-Day Seminar, the Golf Outing and the Summit), ACC Chicago will distribute 2 co-branded e-mail invitations to its then-current list of in-house counsel members. 

Sponsors are strongly encouraged to invite their in-house clients including non-ACC members, to their sponsored ACC Chicago events and may issue their own invitations and solicitations directly to such clients, as well as post the event to their website and advertise on social media. Any invitation referencing the ACC Chicago and/or the programs presented by sponsors pursuant to this Sponsorship Packet must be reviewed prior to distribution by ACC Chicago and must also include the most current ACC Chicago logo and otherwise comply with any ACC Chicago branding guidelines.

Networking at Events

A sponsor’s highest return on their sponsorship investment is best achieved through engaging presentations highlighting the sponsor’s substantive expertise, networking and building relationships with members at ACC Chicago events. ACC Chicago provides access and opportunity, we are happy to speak with sponsors directly about how they may use these opportunities to make meaningful connections.

Accordingly, for the benefit of ACC Chicago, as well as our sponsors, we must strictly prohibit sponsors from engaging in direct marketing and business solicitation at or in connection with any event unless in response to a specific request from a member.

Marketing Materials

Sponsors may make marketing materials available to event attendees in reasonable quantities and types. It is our experience, however, that in-house counsel may develop a negative impression of sponsors and events involving direct marketing.

Event Registrations

ACC Chicago is responsible for receiving and handling the registration for all events. Events are offered to ACC Chicago members and other in-house counsel either for free or for a modest registration fee.

Any such registration fees collected by ACC Chicago shall remain the property of ACC Chicago, unless otherwise expressly agreed upon by ACC Chicago and sponsor in connection with an activity involving third party participation fees.

Event Costs

Except as otherwise noted in the Sponsorship Opportunities, sponsors are responsible for selecting a venue and paying all expenses associated with their sponsored programs, including expenses associated with meals, drinks, audio-visual needs and venue rental fees.

ACC Chicago sponsor liaisons and/or the Executive Administrator can provide historical information and feedback on venues selected for prior programs.

For events such as a Signature Event, we encourage sponsors to work with the ACC Chicago Programs Director(s) and/or the Executive Administrator to limit participation as appropriate for any events that would lend themselves to smaller groups or audiences and to contain costs.

Sponsors should arrange for the development, production and printing of all program handouts as well as the preparation of attendees’ nametags (which must include the ACC Chicago logo) and table tents or other nametags for its presenters.

Attendee Code of Conduct

ACC Chicago has developed an attendee code of conduct for our Events which also applies to Sponsor guests and presenters. By inviting your firm members, clients and speakers, you agree to make them aware of our Code of Conduct.

MCLE Accreditation

ACC Chicago is an Illinois MCLE Approved Provider. Our ACC Chicago Executive Administrator will supply sponsors with all necessary documents for MCLE programs and be responsible for submitting the programs and attendee lists to the Illinois MCLE Board.

It is the responsibility of the sponsor firms to ensure the MCLE forms are filled out completely, including the ARDC numbers and email addresses for all attendees, and returned to the Chapter Executive Administrator within seven days following the event.

Required Materials

To obtain Illinois MCLE credit, each sponsor must either:

(a) provide paper handouts to attendees at the start of the program, or
(b) electronically provide handouts before the program.

ACC Chicago reserves the right to use and distribute handout materials, including the right to post such materials on the ACC Chicago website (which is a part of the broader ACC headquarters site which is public and accessible to all ACC members worldwide). The ACC Chicago logo should be included on the cover page of all handout materials (will be sent to sponsors by the Chapter Executive Administrator.)